Thursday, February 11, 2010


So.. I've been MIA lately because I have moved! I am still getting settled into my new space, so hopefully after I am done with everything I can blog more often because I've gotten/tried out many new products I want to share with you guys. Anyways, here is my pink thing of the week..

My pink workout ball and yoga mat. Honestly, I just had to get them in pink because it would bother me that much if it was in a different colour... haha I know.. atleast I am supporting breast cancer, right?
But yeah, the last time I worked out was probably over a week ago and the workout I did was this one I found on youtube, which btw, really is tiring when you're doing it for 20mins straight. I like this video because you get to follow along with it from start to finish. After the 2nd time I knew what to expect and I did better! If you guys have the time you should try it out.. There are 2 parts. It is only a 20min workout, but it gets you sweaty!

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